Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

we drive success to your everyday business

Buisque cur sus metus vitae sed pharetra auctor semy massa interdum magna augue eget diam. Faucibus ante ipsum luctus ultrices.


Business Days


Funds Granted


Launched Sites

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

achieve your goals with purpose & strategy

Auisque cursus sed magnads vitae conubia pharetra auctor interdum dui metus augue.

Consulting 85%
Management 76%
Brainstorming 92%

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Customer-Centric marketing

Euisque cursus metus vitae sedpharetra auctor semy mas interdum magla
fusce nec litora diam vestibulum andyus eget ipsum faucibus

impactful relations

Setus vitae pharetra auctor kas matiy lorem interdums

15 years of experience

Network market value positioning imperatives & leveraged

top rated services

Setus vitae pharetra auctor kas matiy lorem interdums


Trusted by thousands of customers

An excellent financial team tries to help new companies, they are always on the lookout and keep you up to date with the entire process of your purchase. This is the second time they have helped me in the purchase of equipment. I want to especially thank Nicholas Hernández. despite the fact that sometimes it was 10 at night he would call me to keep me up to date with the process or it was 10 at night when I called him and even though he was no longer during work hours he would answer me and it always didn’t matter the time Whatever doubt I had, Nicolás Fernández helped me. I am very satisfied with having been able to do business. Champion equipment finance. But most of all, I would like to thank Nicholas Hernández. In the next purchase of equipment, if I have any doubts, I will turn to Champion equipment finance.

Miguel Arreola

Professionalism – Integrity – Excellence

Meet Our Team of business asset financing Experts

Our Commitment | Treating Each Customer As An Individual

At Champion Equipment Finance, you never have to worry about being treated like a number. We run a tight-knit business where each staff member is committed to providing our customers with the specialized attention they deserve.

We want to get to know you, your strengths, and your unique needs. This makes it easy for us to communicate to banks why you are a trustworthy borrower and goes a long way towards helping you get the best possible loan.

I also know that your schedule may not fit with the hours most lenders and other financing companies are open for business. This can be incredibly inconvenient during such an important process. You may not have a free minute until well after 5pm.

That’s not a problem for my team. We know that your schedule is packed and we don’t think that should keep you from purchasing the equipment your company can’t be without.

Call us when you can and, if we don’t answer, you can definitely expect a response much sooner than you’d receive one from any other company.

*A lot of my customers speak English but would prefer Spanish. That’s not a problem at Champion Equipment Finance. Our team is bilingual, so we have no problem accommodating customers who would rather speak Spanish.

Marcos Silva

Managing Member

Marcos Silva
Itsel Sanchez
Itsel Sanchez

Operations Manager

Itsel Sanchez
Itsel Sanchez
Jared Silva

Credit Manager

Jared Silva
Maria Orostegui

Documentation Specialist

Maria Orostegui
Anthony Manzo

Account Executive

Anthony Mazo
Nicholas Hernandez

Account Executive

Nicholas Hernandez
Max Beckum

Account Executive

Max Beckum
Jose Salazar
Jose Salazar

Account Executive

Jose Salazar
Jose Salazar
Sergio Peralta

Account Executive

Sergio Peralta
Pierre Whiteside

Account Executive

Pierre Whiteside
Lamar Barns

Account Executive

Lamar Barns

seamlessly enable client-based content services

Nunc feugiat tellus consequat imperdiets. Kestibulum sapien proinys quam. Etiam ultrices ultrices posuere.

deliver interactive ideas for all customer needs

Nunc feugiat tellus consequat imperdiets. Kestibulum sapien proinys quam. Etiam ultrices ultrices posuere.